Torres Ospino, José LuisFuentes Álvarez, Jhonny Aminadadt2020-10-242020-10-242020-10-23 purpose of this research work is to contribute to the transportation and urban geography of the municipality of Santa Cruz de Lorica (Córdoba, Colombia) based on the theme of spatial accessibility to educational facilities, a series of concepts and techniques that are important when identifying the most accessible areas according to the education service. Therefore, its realization is essential for the planners and computers of the territory, since it encompasses large structuring elements of current urban systems, where one of the challenges of the 21st century is to provide possible solutions to the existing imbalances in terms of access to service equipment, especially education. In this sense, the research uses spatial analysis tools to calculate the indicators related to accessibility, resulting in maps of degrees of accessibility in distance and time.ResumenPalabras ClavesIntroduccionArea de EstudioMateriales Y MétodosAnálisis y discusión de los resultadosConclusionesReferenciasapplication/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Análisis de la accesibilidad espacial hacia los equipamientos educativos en el área urbana del municipio de Santa Cruz de LoricaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0)Accesibilidad espacialEquipamientos educativosRed vialSanta Cruz de Loricaspatial accessibilityEducational equipmentRoad networkSanta Cruz de Lorica