Guevara Salgado, Pedro RafaelSerpa Arroyo, Fernando JoséSafra Miranda, Santi Jesús2023-01-242023-01-242022-01-20 purpose of this work was to develop the call module of the university houses program, offered by the University Well-being of the University of Córdoba; within the framework of the project to systematize the procedure of university houses. The call module is the first module of the procedure for the program of university houses of the University of Córdoba. The application requirements were provided by the University Welfare Division. The objective of the project was to systematize the call module; which was done manually. The developed module facilitates the management of the information of the enrolled students and later selected to obtain the benefit of the university houses program. Allowing an efficient management of the information, by the managers of the University Welfare Division. The application was developed following the standard and the requirements proposed by the University of Córdoba. For the implementation of the module, the development tools were used: PHP, POSTGRESQL, VISUAL STUDIO, LARAVEL and BOOTSTRAP.RESUMEN 9ABSTRACT 101 INTRODUCCIÓN 112 O BJETIVO 122.1 Objetivo General 122.2 Objetivos Específicos 123 REVISIÓN BIBLIOGRÁFICA 133.1 ASPECTOS Y CONCEPTOS RELACIONADOS 133.2 PROBLEMÁTICA 143.3 JUSTIFICACIÓN 153.4 TECNOLOGIAS UTILISADAS 174 ESTADO DEL ARTE 185 MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS 206 RESULTADOS 236.1 DIAGRAMA DE SECUENCIA 236.2 DIAGRAMA DE CLASE 246.3 DIAGRAMA ENTIDAD RELACIÓN 256.4 DIAGRAMAS DE CASOS DE USOS 266.5 DISEÑO DEL SISTEMAS 32Reporte de Pruebas. 387 CONCLUSI ONES 398 RECOMENDACIONES 409 BIBLIOGRAFIA 4110 ANEXOS 4210.1 Manual de Usuario. 4210.2 Desarrollo Code. 43application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2023Sistematización del módulo de convocatorias para el procedimiento del programa casas universitarias de la Universidad de CórdobaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Casas universitariasMódulo de convocatoriasAplicación webBienestar universitarioUniversity housesConvocations moduleWeb applicationUniversity welfare