Pérez Villalba, Wilson AntonioGuardia Lobo, Eva MariaPitalúa Martínez, Natalia Andrea2022-09-022022-09-022022-09-02https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/6536This research aimed to determine the main sleep disorders and alterations that affected the nursing students in the COVID-19 pandemy. For this purpose, the researchers used a cross-sectional descriptive study with quantitative focus from surveys made in the month of June of the Year 2022 in a public university at the city of Monteria. The sample population was 165 students of the nursing program of this public university that fulfilled the criteria needed for the survey. (93.94%) of the students were between 17 and 24 years. and (78.18%) of them were women. From the 165 students surveyed the (78.18%) did not get COVID-19, the (21.82%) left did have a positive diagnosis for COVID-19. In the survey there was evaluated the insomnia according to the eight reactive of the Athens scale. The obtained results of this survey showed that the nursery students in general tend to suffer from insomnia and daytime sleepiness represented by the (30.3%) and (21.8%) respectively. In this research there was separated the population positive and negative for COVID-19, it was highlighted that the population positive for COVID-19 and with possible sleeping alteration equals to the (63.89%) and the population negative for COVID-19 and possible sleeping alteration equals to (45.74%). According to these results it was concluded that the COVID-19 increased the sleeping alterations in the nursery students of the public university.INTRODUCCIÓN……………………………………………………………………101. OBJETIVOS…………………………………………………………………….... 141.1 GENERAL …………………………………………...…………………………. 141.2 ESPECÍFICOS ……………………………………...………………………..... 142. REFERENTE TEÓRICO ...………………………………………………………152.1 MARCO REFERENCIAL ……………………………………………………….152.2 MARCO LEGAL …………………………………………………………………162.3 MARCO CONCEPTUAL ……………………………………………………….182.4 MARCO TEÓRICO ……………………………………………………………..223. DISEÑO METODOLÓGICO …………………………………………………….253.1 TIPO DE ESTUDIO..………………………………………………………….…253.2 ESCENARIO DE ESTUDIO.……………………………………………………253.3 POBLACIÓN MUESTRA Y MUESTREO.…………………………………….253.4 UNIDAD DE ANÁLISIS………………………………………………………….263.5 RECOLECCIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN…………………………………….. 263.6 PROCESAMIENTO Y ANÁLISIS DE LA INFORMACIÓN………………… 263.7 ASPECTOS ÉTICOS Y LEGALES…………………………………………… 274. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS………………………………………………….. 284.1 PERFIL EPIDEMIOLÓGICO DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE ENFERMERÍA DE UNA UNIVERSIDAD PÚBLICA CON RESPECTO A LA COVID-19…………...284.2 ALTERACIONES DEL SUEÑO QUE PRESENTARON MAYOR TENDENCIA EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE ENFERMERÍA DE UNA UNIVERSIDAD PÚBLICA POST PANDEMIA………………………………………………………………….....334.3 RELACIÓN ESTADÍSTICA ENTRE EL PERFIL EPIDEMIOLÓGICO CON RESPECTO A LA COVID-19 Y EL RANGO DE PUNTUACIÓN EN LA ESCALA DE SUEÑO ATENAS………………………………………………………………...344.4 PRINCIPALES ALTERACIONES Y TRASTORNOS DEL SUEÑO QUE AFECTARON A LOS ESTUDIANTES DE ENFERMERÍA EN TIEMPOS DEPANDEMIA…………………………………………………………………………...415. DISCUSIÓN……………………………………………………………………….446. CONCLUSIONES..……………………………………………………………….467. RECOMENDACIONES…………………………………………………………..478. ANEXOS……………………..…………………………………………………….499. BIBLIOGRAFÍA………………..…………………………………………………..50application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Alteraciones del sueño post pandemia en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad pública, 2022Trabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)InsomnioAlteraciones del sueñoCOVID-19EnfermeríaEscala de AtenasInsomniaSleep alterationsCOVID-19NursingAthens scale