Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloDonado Murlasco, Arcelio EnriqueDíaz Cantero, Yohenis De Jesús2023-02-272023-02-272023-02-27 new era of teacher-leaders will generate a powerful impact on the educational process and the acquisition of these leadership skills is increasing, which will incorporate significant development into the learning processes. Fostering leadership in schools is a very important and productive process for all members of the educational community, especially for teachers and students, because a teacher-leader will know how to guide the educational processes in order to implement leadership by showing their learners the importance of this in all walks of life. Thus, in this article, we will provide several concepts of leadership, including our assumptions, collaborative work, leadership empowerment, and implications for the future of our teaching work to encourage our students to be leaders. Our goal is to develop leadership strategies so that as future educators we can carry out innovative projects that implement and strengthen teamwork so that they inspire our students to be leaders too.1. Leadership profile.2. Abstract.3. Introduction.4. Our assumptions.5. Leadership Empowerment and Implications for the Future.6. Conclusion.7. References.application/pdfengCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2023Lifelong professional development: empowering foreign language teachersTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)LiderazgoEmpoderamientoDocentes líderesTrabajo colaborativoEducaciónLeadershipEmpowermentTeacher leadersCollaborative workEducation