Pérez Sierra, Omar AndrésOrtega Quintana, Fabián AlbertoUrango Anaya, Janer MiguelSegura Bermúdez, Diego Arturo2021-07-162021-07-162021-07-16Https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/4367The objective of this project was to determine the best spray drying conditions to obtain the minimum response conditions of final product moisture and air outlet temperature, using multiobjective minimization as a working technology response surface methodology with a Draper and Lin design. Initially, stevia solutions were dried by modifying the variables concentration of the solution (°Brix), rotor speed (RPM), air feed flow (m3 /h) and air inlet temperature (°C) being in total 23 experimental units including 7 central points. The humidity analysis as a response variable was on average 5.6% and showed that the independent variables are not significant (p <0.05) on it except the interaction between air flow and rotor speed, while the analysis of Air outlet temperature averaged 73.4 °C showing that the rotor speed and the interaction between the concentration of the solution with it are significant (p<0.05) while the other independent variables and their interactions were not significant. On the other hand, the variables response yield and solubility remained constant for each experimental unit. Finally, a multi-response minimization was performed using the desirability function, a humidity of -1.31% and an air outlet temperature of 56.50 °C was obtained, however, the lack of adjustment of the predictive models makes the results not consistent1. INTRODUCCION....................................................152. REVISIÓN DE LITERATURA................................182.1 Descripción de la estevia...........................182.2 Secado en la industria alimentaria.......................202.2.1 Secado por atomización....................................212.3 Aplicación de metodología de superficie de respuesta............................223 METODOLOGÍA...............................273.1 Tipo de investigación.......................273.2 Localización del proyecto........................273.3 Materia prima........................273.4 Variables de estudio........................................283.4.1 Independientes..................................283.4.2 Respuesta.........................283.5 Análisis de la información.................................283.6 Métodos.......................283.6.1 Acondicionamiento de la materia prima......................................283.6.2 Secado de la solución......................283.6.3 Análisis de humedad y solubilidad.................................293.6.4 Rendimiento.........................293.6.5 Diseño experimental................................304 RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN...................................314.1 Solubilidad.................................314.2 Humedad.............................324.3 Temperatura de salida del aire......................374.4 Deseabilidad.......................414.5 Rendimiento..........................455 CONCLUSIONES..........................476 RECOMENDACIONES.....................487 BIBLIOGRAFÍA.............................49Application/pdfSpaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2021Optimización de las condiciones de secado por atomización de estevia (Stevia rebaudiana bertoni) utilizando la metodología de superficie de respuestaTrabajo de grado - PregradoInfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)EsteviaAtomizaciónSuperficie de respuestaSteviaAtomizationSurface response