Durán Rojas, ElviraDíaz Díaz, Daniela2020-11-202020-11-202020-11-19https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/3685The consumption of psychoactive substances (SPA) generates negative effects on society such as insecurity, crimes, increased addiction, among others, which leads to alterations in their health and the well-being of the community. This study intends to know the needs of the unsatisfied demands of the services for the rehabilitation of SPA consumers and how this offer is supplied by one of the Service Provider Institutions (IPS). Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the perception of SPA consumers about the rehabilitation services required in the city of Montería, Córdoba. The study is descriptive with a quantitative approach; where the qualitative technique of semi-structured interview with the administrative head of a IPS and a structured survey of SPA consumers and former consumers was used; Information organized, tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics, which was represented in figures and that of the interview was organized through narrative analysis. Among the results, it was found in SPA consumers that the male sex predominated (71%), they are young people between 14 and 29 years old (92%) and single marital status (75%), they have accessed secondary education (91%), technical and university, 37% work and 29% study; they live in socioeconomic stratum 1 (69%). The SPA that consume the most is alcohol (41%), followed by marijuana or cannabis (38%) and cigarettes (10%) among other substances. It was also possible to establish that 82% have not received rehabilitation services in an IPS and of those who received the service, 69% are aware that they require such treatment and among the most valued aspects when accessing the service is their good care (43%) and the quality of the service (31%). On the other hand, of the people who have not received rehabilitation services in an IPS, 70% stated that they did not know how to access it and 70% were not aware of the existence of IPS that offer such services; On the contrary, SPA consumers who have had a treatment, 55% indicated having accessed in a particular way, the rest did so through the EAPB and 55% maintain that they return to the same IPS that attended them in case of needing such service. On the other hand, in the interview obtained, the head of 15 administration stated that in most of the institutions that provide services to drug addicts they do so in a hospital manner and that in montería there is only one care center for drug addicts, which is Visalud IPS. Based on these factors, it could be said that in the city of Montería there is part of the population belonging to consumers of psychoactive substances with insufficient rehabilitation centers, thus creating opportunities to formulate action for future entrepreneurs.INTRODUCCIÓN .................................................................................................. 161. OBJETIVOS .................................................................................................. 191.1. OBJETIVO GENERAL............................................................................... 191.2 OBJETIVO ESPECÍFICOS ............................................................................ 192. MARCO REFERENCIAL ............................................................................... 202.1 MARCO LEGAL ............................................................................................ 202.2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL ............................................................................... 222.2.1 Sustancias psicoactivas (SPA).. ............................................................... 222.2.2 Sistema de salud. ...................................................................................... 232.2.3 Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (IPS). .......................... 232.2.4 Necesidades de los usuarios de salud. .................................................... 242.2.5 Satisfacción de las necesidades. ............................................................. 242.2.6 Estudio de mercado. ................................................................................ 242.2.7 Mezcla de mercado .................................................................................... 252.2.8 Estrategias de mercadeo. .......................................................................... 262.2.9 Comportamiento del consumidor.. ........................................................... 262.2.10 Cultura. ..................................................................................................... 272.2.11 Marketing social. ...................................................................................... 272.3 MARCO TEÓRICO ........................................................................................ 273. METODOLOGÍA ........................................................................................... 303.1 TIPO DE ESTUDIO ....................................................................................... 303.2 ESCENARIO DE ESTUDIO ........................................................................... 303.3 POBLACIÓN, TIPO DE MUESTREO Y CÁLCULO DEL TAMAÑO DE LA MUESTRA ............................................................................................................ 303.4 MÉTODOS E INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCIÓN DE DATOS................ 303.5 PROCEDIMIENTO PARA LA RECOLECCIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN ............ 313.6 PLAN PARA LA TABULACIÓN Y ANÁLISIS DE DATOS............................ 324. ASPECTOS ÉTICOS Y LEGISLATIVOS ...................................................... 335. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN ...................................................................... 345.1 EVALUACIÓN DE ASPECTOS SOCIALES Y DE CONSUMO DE SPA ....... 345.2 ANÁLISIS DE LA PERCEPCIÓN DE LOS USUARIOS Y USUARIOS POTENCIALES DE LOS SERVICIOS DE REHABILITACIÓN EN EL CONSUMO DE SPA ................................................................................................................ 405.3 EVALUACIÓN DE LOS SERVICIOS DE REHABILITACIÓN OFRECIDOS A LOS USUARIOS CONSUMIDORES DE SPA EN UNA IPS ................................. 486. CONCLUSIONES .......................................................................................... 517. RECOMENDACIONES ................................................................................. 53REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS..................................................................... 54ANEXOS .............................................................................................................. 62application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Estudio del usuario potencial para ofrecer los servicios de rehabilitación del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) en Montería, CórdobaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Sustancias psicoactivasDrogodependienteRehabilitaciónMercado, serviciosPsychoactive substancesDrug addictRehabilitationMarketServices