Vergara Córdoba, Cesar AugustoCorro Rojas, Catalina Saileth2020-11-112020-11-112020-11-05 business practice was carried out at the Cunas Dos farm of Grupo Agrícola Santamaría S.A.S, a company dedicated to the production and commercialization of export type bananas, located in the municipality of Carepa, Antioquia. The purpose of the business practice was to develop a population diagnosis using the pogo counting method. For this, visits were made to the farm for data collection in weeks 11, 14, 17 and 21, where slow, poor and unproductive plants were identified, which were marked and a work of recovery of their conditions was done. An improvement was evidenced in terms of unproductive plants since they were eliminated and then they proceeded to take their place with good vigor replanting, in terms of slow plants, successional children that did not have F10 leaves in the flowering phase, A job was done that consisted of taking a pseudostem approximately 1m high and placed on the pujón in order to cover it completely to stimulate its growth and production of true leaves. In the poor plants there was no differential improvement despite the fact that they were de-lopped and “Topi ban” was made, this is because it is a slow process and depends exclusively on the intake of nutrients from the succession child and the conditions in the one that the mother plant is.1.1 Misión 171.2 Visión 172 OBJETIVOS 182.1 Objetivo general 182.2 Objetivos específicos 183 REVISION DE LITERATURA 193.1 Generalidades del cultivo de banano 193.2 Manejo cultural del cultivo 193.2.1 Deshije 193.2.2 Desvío de puyones 203.2.3 Desguasque 203.2.4 Deshoje 203.2.5 Amarre de plantas 213.2.6 Desflore 213.2.7 Desbacote 213.2.8 Desmane 223.2.9 Embolse 223.2.10 Encintado 233.3 Principales plagas en el cultivo 233.3.1 Ceramidia (Antichloris viridis) 233.3.2 Arañita roja (Oligonychus sp.) 243.3.3 Cochinillas harinosas (Pseudococcus sp.) 243.3.4 Trips (Frankliniella sp.) 254 ACTIVIDADES REALIZADAS 264.1 DIAGNOSTICO DE POBLACIÓN 264.1.1 Resiembras justificadas 264.1.2 Resiembras injustificadas 264.1.3 Dobles precosecha 274.1.4 Dobles post-cosecha 274.1.5 Doble injustificado 274.1.6 Dobles de segunda generación o más 274.1.7 Claros 274.1.8 Encierro 284.1.9 Mezcla varietal 284.1.10 Plantas pobres 24.1.11 Plantas lentas 294.1.12 Plantas improductivas 294.2 MATERIALES Y METODOS 294.2.1 Materiales 294.2.2 Metodología 304.3 ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 325 CONCLUSIONES 416 RECOMENDACIONES 43BIBLIOGRAFIA 44ANEXOS 47spaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Diagnóstico de población en banano (Musa AAA Simmonds) tipo exportación en la finca Cunas Dos, Carepa-AntioquiaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0)PogoFactores limitantesMejoramientoPogoInvigorationLimiting factorsImprovement