Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloRuíz Cuello, Julio CésarVengoechea Díaz, Valentina2022-03-202022-03-202022-03-18 are always in need of a leader. This happens because of the necessity of precise qualities that helps with the development of any process. In the educational field, schools need teacher leaders. Teachers who can promote teamwork, set goals, and help their students and college to achieve those goals. In this personal statement, we will determine our approach, qualities, and future practices as teacher leaders. Thus, in the paper, a reflection of our leadership understanding will be found which includes a variety of concepts around leadership, our assumptions about teacher leadership, empowerment, and how all of this can be used inside an educational environment. The plan is the identification of the different characteristics that are needed to become a good teacher leader. This statement sets a starting line in which our professional growth starts and goals to implement once we are inside the professional field.1. Abstract.2. Introduction.3. Our Assumptions.4. Leadership Empowerment and Implications for the Future.5. Conclusion.6. References.application/pdfengA personal leadership statementTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)LiderazgoDeclaración de liderazgo personalEmpoderamientoLeadershipPersonal leadership statementEmpowerment