Mercado Fernández, TeobaldisRuiz Morelo, Carlos Elías2022-08-222022-08-222022-07-15 next job consists of carrying out my business practice at Inversiones San Gabriel, specifically at Hacienda Casablanca located at kilometer 22 via Montería - Tierralta. From June 22 to October 23, activities related to the implementation of silvopastoral systems were carried out; 8,552 timber plants were planted in order to be used for long-term trading and in turn to contribute to caring for the environment and mitigating climate change. In the same way, a follow-up was carried out on the tasks implemented by the company in the haymaking process, which consisted of fertilizing, controlling pests, diseases and weeds. The company has a sprinkler irrigation system to supply the pasture fields established for hay in the dry season, which was made a general diagnosis to know the quality of the water to optimize this process. Likewise, the process was advanced to achieve the registration of the incubator that is established in the Hacienda, all this in order to supply the needs of the company itself, and to be able to commercialize to obtain an additional income. For all these activities to be carried out, $19,000,000 will be needed for human, physical and material resources; The results of this investment will be reflected in the medium and long term.INTRODUCCIÓN .............................................................................................101. RESEÑA HISTÓRICA DE LA EMPRESA.................................................142. OBJETIVOS..............................................................................................162.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL...........................................................................162.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS..................................................................163. MARCO TEORICO.....................................................................................174. ACTIVIDADES DESARROLLADAS…………………………………………….214.1. Introducción en la plantación de árboles maderables………………. 214.2. Monitoreo de propagación de plántulas en vivero…………………....214.3. Siembra de plántulas maderables………………………………………..224.4. Supervisión de labores en las líneas o parcelas que se establecerán............................................23Supervisión de las actividades relacionadas con el proceso de henificación…………………………………………………………………………..254.6 Realización del inventario de recolección de semilla sexual para registro de vivero……………………………………………………………………………….254.7 Supervisión de las actividades relacionadas de riego por aspersión….................................265. CONCLUSIONES………………………………………………………………..............336. RECOMENDACIONES…………………………………………………………….................34LISTA DE TABLAS Y FIGURASTabla 1 Siembra de árboles por especie…………………………………………..16Tabla 2 Resiembra de árboles .........................................................................17Figura 1: coordenadas geográficas de la colección de semillas……………….........19Figura 2 Análisis de muestra de la bocatoma……………………………………..22Figura 3 Análisis de muestra del aspersor de caña..........................................24application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Seguimiento de labores de reforestación, henificación, mejoramiento del sistema de riego por aspersión y registro del vivero para comercializar frutales y maderablesTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Sistemas silvopastorilesRiegoHenificaciónSilvopastoral systemsIrrigationHaymaking