Nieves Julio, YeseniaRamos García, Leonela de Jesús2022-08-092022-08-092022-08-07 this degree work details the results obtained during the internship developed inside of the E.S.E. CAMU Santa Teresita of the municipality of Santa Cruz de Lorica, performing the RIPS typist role, and supporting various professional duties made inside the COVID Vaccination Administrative Area of such institution. Furthermore, inside this document it will perceive the development of a redundant identification procedure in the ambulatory and emergency areas of such hospital entity, whereby it is sought to generate that the users’ identification that access to the services offered by the institution gets done correctly and mainly fulfilling with the established standards by Colombian law; to fulfill with a goal of such magnitude it becomes necessary to access to all relevant personal and medical information of each and every patient that ask attention at the ambulatory and emergency areas; likewise it must consider different types of needs (physical, psychological, educational or informational, and socioeconomic) that contribute to generate an optimal redundant identification and thus their treatments and subsequent recovery is carried out in the best way.INTRODUCCIÓN ............................132. OBJETIVOS ..........................................162.1. OBJETIVO GENERAL................................................... 162.2. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS.......................................... 163. RESEÑA HISTORICA DE LA INSTITUCIÓN.............................................174. ASPECTOS CORPORATIVOS............................................. 185. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL ÁREA FUNCIONAL.............................................206. NECESIDADES DETECTADAS ...................................247. METODOLOGÍA DE LA PRÁCTICA O PASANTÍA................................. 278. MARCO REFERENCIAL............................. 348.1. MARCO TEÓRICO ...............................348.2. MARCO CONCEPTUAL..................................... 358.3. MARCO LEGAL .....................................379. RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS ...............................3810. CONCLUSIONES .....................................4011. RECOMENDACIONES .....................................41REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS................................ 42ANEXOS ...............................44application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Diseño de un procedimiento de identificación redundante en el área ambulatoria y urgencias de la E.S.E. Camu Santa TeresitaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)ProcedimientoIdentificación redundanteAmbulatoriaPrácticas profesionalesSaludProcedureRedundant identificationAmbulatoryInternshipHealth