Rodríguez Bermúdez, DanielFría Fabra, FabiánDe la Ossa Escobar, Sergio2022-03-302022-03-302022-03-29 COVID-19 pandemic was an important juncture for humanity, with a series of effects that caused changes in people's way of life and consumption; companies, as factors of change and development of the territory, were also the object of these effects, and the ways of dealing with them through strategic actions undoubtedly changed the way in which commercial relations should be conceived. The following work responds to a need to identify the known impacts of the pandemic on international commercial activity, especially with regard to supply chains, as functional structures of global trade. To this end, a contextualization of the most important aspects of trade and the international supply chain was carried out, the effects of the health crisis on various links in the supply chain were investigated, and the strategies taken to mitigate the measures of containment Once these issues were analyzed, the challenges that could be grouped into two groups were determined: those that arose during the most restrictive periods, and those that arose and must be solved in the framework of a post-COVID society. The strengthening of the last links in the chain with respect to the opening of digital channels for sales, the increase in the efficiency of the distribution of goods, and the technological investment in process automation were 3 of the elements that were most relevant in terms of aspects of change, all this within a regional integration strategy that is explained laterRESUMENABSTRACTINTRODUCCIÓNI. CADENA DE SUMINISTRO: CONCEPCIONES E IMPORTANCIA EN EL CONTEXTO DEL COMERCIO INTERNACIONALLas empresas en el Comercio InternacionalCadena de suministroComponentes de la cadena de suministroFunciones de la cadena de suministroLa gerencia de la cadena de suministroImportancia e implicaciones de la cadena de suministroII. IMPACTO DE LA EMERGENCIA SANITARIA POR COVID-19 SOBRE LA CADENA DE SUMINISTRO INTERNACIONALRestricciones al comercio y la movilidadIncidencia del COVID-19 sobre la cadena de suministro y el comercio internacional.Cifras del comercio internacional antes y durante la pandemiaPolíticas comerciales en pandemiaAlgunos referentes comerciales en el marco de la pandemia.HertzZara (Inditex)Arturo CalleGrupo Nutresa S.A.III. PERSPECTIVA DE LAS EMPRESAS FRENTE A LA PANDEMIA: RETOS Y OPORTUNIDADESCONCLUSIONESBIBLIOGRAFÍAapplication/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Cadena de suministro internacional y sus retos para las empresas frente a la pandemia COVID 19Trabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Cadena de suministroComercio internacionalCOVID-19Políticas comercialesSupply chainInternational tradePolitics tradeCovid-19