Peroza Sierra, José AntonioBedoya Torres, Fernando Elías2023-07-192023-07-192023-07-17 accompaniment was carried out through the Secretary of Economic and Agroindustrial Development (SDEA), which is one of the most important secretaries in the government of Córdoba. It mainly consisted on knowledge transference, accompaniment and technical assistance in regard the cultivation of industrial cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) aimed to producers of the ASOAGROCHIMA agricultor association of the municipality of Chima located in Córdoba in order to employ this species as a feeding alternative for cattle, as well as the most suitable way to prepare the land recommended for it. For this case a deep disc plow and a ridge were used for correct soil preparation and for undergrowth control were recommended to use highly selectivity herbicides to stimulate cassava cultivation and also take advantage of its residuals in the soil in order to maintains a total control of undergrowths during the first month of crop. For an adequate control of pests and diseases it was checked that they were below the threshold of economic damage, due to the fact that cassava is a fairly resistant material, sometimes the 99% of the pests or diseases do not reach a threshold of the damages or economical losses in which the application of chemical products becomes necessary. Due to the cost of these products in most cases is greater than the possible economic losses found by an affectation of any pest or pathogen the aim is to flavor a good productivity for the use of the tuber and the foliage employment as an alternative for cattle feeding.RESUMEN 10ABSTRACT 11INTRODUCCIÓN 121 RESEÑA HISTORICA 141.1 MISION 151.2 VISION 152 OBJETIVOS 162.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 162.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 163 MARCO TEÓRICO 173.1 CULTIVO DE LA YUCA (Manihot esculenta Crantz). 173.2 TAXONOMÍA 183.3 ORIGEN Y DISTRIBUCIÓN 193.4 PRODUCCIÓN MUNDIAL. 203.5 IMPORTANCIA ECONÓMICA. VALOR NUTRITIVO DE LAS RAÍCES 203.6 FORRAJE DE YUCA COMO ALTERNATIVA DE ALIMENTACIÓN ANIMAL. 214 ACTIVIDADES DESARROLLADAS 234.1 DESCRIPCIÓN GENERAL 234.2 ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA A PRODUCTORES DE LA MANO CON LA SDEA 234.3 RECOMENDACIONES PARA ESTABLECIMIENTO DE CULTIVO DE YUCA. 244.3.1 Preparación del terreno. 244.3.2 Control de malezas. 254.3.2 Control de plagas. 264.3.3 Monitoreo en campo. 28CONCLUSIONES 30RECOMENDACIONES 31REFERENCIAS 32application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2023Apoyo a productores del municipio de chima vereda tierra bonita finca El Corozao para asistencia técnica en cultivo de yuca con la Gobernación de CórdobaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Arado de discoCaballoneadorHerbicida residualFollajeDisc plowRridgerResidual herbicideFoliage