Durán Rojas, ElviraHenao Gutiérrez, Karla Lucía2020-10-242020-10-242020-10-23https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/3462Assuming a culture of patient safety in the Institutions that Provide Health Services [IPS] influences the well-being and health of patients, in their financial situation and the quality of the service offered. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the dimensions of the patient's safety culture from the perception of the officials of the Institution Provider of the Health Services, Montería, Córdoba. This type of study was a cross-sectional descriptive research; this research studied a population that was composed by 274 officials with a probabilistic sampling where the majority were from the care area with a sample of 229 officials. The type of method that was used, it was the inductive method and as a technique for data collection, the AHRQ Patient Safety Culture Hospital Survey, which contains four dimensions: sociodemographic, safety culture in the area of user care, safety culture in the institution, the result of the perception of the culture of patient safety and reported / communicated events grouped in 17 variables and 52 statements with a Likert scale of 5 points. The information was organized according to the positive and negative responses, coded and tabulated in the Excel software, analyzed using descriptive statistics with relative frequencies. The variables with the highest positive assessment was the way in which the institution develops and improve patient safety and the analysis of errors to make positive changes, both with 93%, which correspond to dimension 2, this being a strength; However, on the variable areas of the institution are not coordinated with each other, it obtained a score of 75%, so it is considered as a weakness, due to only 5% said yes. Considering these results, the IPS in agreement with the protocols or established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection [Minsalud] may take actions to promote and enhance the culture of patient safety.INTRODUCCIÓN1. OBJETIVOS 181.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 181.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 182 MARCO REFERENCIAL 192.1 MARCO HISTÓRICO 192.2 MARCO LEGAL 212.3.MARCO CONCEPTUAL 242.4 MARCO TEÓRICO 283. METODOLOGÍA 303.1 TIPO DE ESTUDIO 303.2 LOCALIZACIÓN DE ESTUDIO 303.3 TIPO DE MUESTREO Y CÁLCULO DEL TAMAÑO DE LA MUESTRA 303.4 MÉTODOS E INTRUMENTO PARA LA RECOLECCIÓN DE DATOS 313.5 PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA LA RECOLECCIÓN DE DATOS 343.6 PLAN DE TABULACIÓN 354. ASPECTOS ÉTICOS Y LEGISLATIVOS 375. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN 385.1 ASPECTOS SOCIODEMOGRÁFICOS DE LOS FUNCIONARIOS 385.2 CULTURA DE LA SEGURIDAD DEL PACIENTE EN EL ÁREA ASISTENCIAL 415.3 CULTURA DE LA SEGURIDAD DEL PACIENTE EN LA INSTITUCIÓN 585.4 RESULTADO PERCIBIDO DE LA SEGURIDAD DEL PACIENTE Y EVENTOS REPORTADOS Y COMUNICADOS 646. CONCLUSIONES 80REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 82ANEXOS 89application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Cultura de la seguridad del paciente en una institución prestadora de servicios de alta complejidad, Montería, CórdobaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0)Seguridad del pacienteInstituciones de saludFuncionariosCulturaPatient safetyHealth institutionsOfficialsCulture