Villalba Durango, Juan CamiloCuadrado Núñez, Arlys Juliana2023-01-202023-01-202023-01-20 with disabilities experience significant health inequalities compared to people without disabilities. In this area of work, PAHO seeks to improve health equity and the inclusion of the health system for persons with disabilities in line with the main regional and global human rights frameworks. (Health, s.f.) The country's disabled population today can access a comprehensive medical assessment of their disabling condition. The multidisciplinary teams of health professionals from the Health Service Provider Institutions –IPS– authorized by the Departmental or District Health Secretariats are in charge of carrying out this function. (social, minsalud, s.f.) Given this, the health secretary of the municipality of Cereté has the disability certification process for all those people who have difficulties in their normal development, however, they do not have this process in a documented manner, therefore, Through review of bibliographies on the subject and support from officials in this area, the certification procedure was documented, to facilitate access to information on the step-by-step requirements to obtain the certificate. On the other hand, in the analysis of the disability certification process, the importance of the disability certificate was made known and what benefits or programs they can access, followed in the deployment of the disability certification procedure, it has a presentation, objective, scope and in detail of the step by step to obtain the certificate of disability and ends with the socialization of the documentation to the officials of the secretary of health of the mayor's office of the municipality of cereté.RESUMEN 11ABSTRACT 13INTRODUCCIÓN 141. OBJETIVOS 161.1 General 161.2 Específicos 162. RESEÑA HISTÓRICA DE LA INSTITUCIÓN 173. ASPECTOS CORPORATIVOS 195. MARCO REFERENCIAL 235.1 MARCO TEORICO 235.2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 255.3 MARCO LEGAL 256. METODOLOGÍA 267. RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS 277.1 análisis del procedimiento de certificación de discapacidad de la secretaría de salud del municipio de CERETÉ. 277.2 despliegue del procedimiento de certificación de discapacidad de la secretaria de salud, el cual será revisado por el coordinador de aseguramiento y por el asesor de calidad. 29Presentación 29Objetivo 29Alcance 29RESULTADO DEL PROCEDIMIENTO DE CERTIFICACIÓN DE DISCAPACIDAD SEGÚN LA RESOLUCIÓN 1239 DE 2022 317.3 SOCIALIZACIÓN CON LOS FUNCIONARIOS EL PROCEDIMIENTO DE CERTIFICACIÓN DE DISCAPACIDAD EN LA SECRETARIA DE SALUD DEL MUNICIPIO DE CERETÉ. 348 CONCLUSIONES 359 RECOMENDACIONES 36BIBLIOGRAFÍA 37ANEXOS 38application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2023Procedimiento de certificación de discapacidad de la Secretaría de Salud del Municipio de CeretéTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)DiscapacidadPoblaciónSaludOPSSecretaria de saludCertificaciónDocumentaciónDocumentationDisabilityPopulationHealthOpsSecretary of healthCertification