Orozco Poveda, Daniela MaríaÁlvarez Negrete, Andrés FelipeBarrero Paternina, Draisha Karina2022-03-242022-03-242022-03-23https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/5031The Colombian armed conflict and it’s associated with the LGBT community human rights violations goes together, that’s why in the middle of the armed conflict y post-conflict, as victims they have right to be due these violations, those right are: truth, justice, integral reparations, and no repetition assurance. Here goes in the scene the public policies and their scheduled actions, to be able to guarantee to the access and the enjoyment of rights, that in the case of LGBT community victims of the armed conflict, for they have a differential focus, requires a policy that requires a policy tailored to their needs. In the subject of actions with LGBT community victims of the armed conflict, are described in the action plan of public policy to guarantee the effective exercise of the rights of people who are part of the LGBTI sectors and of people with sexual orientations and diverse gender identities, in the section called “Peace and Reconciliation”. Then here it is required to do a description of those actions and realize if they are able to guarantee the right they have as victims of the armed conflict KINTRODUCCIÓN ....................................................................................................1CAPÍTULO I: LOS DERECHOS DE LAS VÍCTIMAS LGTBIQ+ DEL CONFLICTO ARMADO EN COLOMBIA ...........................................................................2CAPITULO II: LINEAMIENTOS DE LA POLÍTICA PÚBLICA EN COLOMBIA PARA CON LA COMUNIDAD LGBTIQ+ VÍCTIMA DEL CONFLICTO........6CAPÍTULO III: DETERMINAR SI LINEAMIENTOS DEL PLAN DE ACCIÓN EN COLOMBIA BASTAN PARA LA GARANTÍA DE LOS DERECHOS DE VERDAD, JUSTICIA, REPARACIÓN INTEGRAL Y LA GARANTÍA DE NO REPETICIÓN. ....... 18CONCLUSIONES ............................................................................................... 27BIBLIOGRAFÍA..................................................................................................... 30application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Comunidad LGTBI como víctima del conflicto armado en Colombia: un análisis desde la política pública LGTBITrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Derechos humanosDiscriminaciónConflicto armadoEnfoque diferencialPosconflictoPolítica públicaHuman rightsDiscriminationArmed conflictDifferential approachPost-conflictPublic politics