E.Ñ.B. Monografía


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    Tiempo de pantalla en niños de 5 a 12 años
    (2022-03-30) Villadiego Lora, José Lucio; González Espitia, Zaira Johana; Reinaldo Garrido Hutchinson
    Children are beginning to use screen-based devices more and more at an early age, and are spending more and more time in front of them. This behavior is associated with unhealthy dietary patterns, poor sleep quality, an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and a higher rate of obesity in children. It also has negative consequences for mental health, especially attention deficit problems in the youngest, in adolescents in whom social networks have a special role. There is information available that indicates that the time spent on screens is negatively associated with increased adiposity, changes in sleep hours, psychomotor difficulties, decreased quality of life, self-esteem problems, poor academic performance and deterioration in social skills, higher degree of anxiety and depression. On the contrary, the regular practice of physical activity is associated with greater well-being and a better state of mental health. In parallel, the rate of child and adolescent obesity has increased, in which sedentary lifestyle plays a relevant role. Low levels of physical activity, along with prolonged leisure time in front of a screen and 7 the presence of obesity are associated with worse scores on well-being scales in children, although the number of studies that correlate all these variables is scarce. Scientific societies have clearly indicated in recent years the recommendations for the use (consumption) of screen time based on age: thus, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding the use of screens in children under 18 months, except for family gatherings (video-chatting), between 18 and 24 months, parents must choose very high quality programs and be with the children explaining the contents, between 2 and 5 years the limit must be 1 hour a day and always in the company of the children and above that age its use in limited periods and provided that it is guaranteed that they do not replace sleep, play or physical activity or other actions essential for health. It also recommends having times together free of devices, such as meal times and spaces without screens, such as the bedroom.
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    Influencia del coaching digital en la actividad física
    (2022-03-30) Castrillón Espitia, Karina Patricia; Pérez Pastrana, Jheysson; Cortina Núñez, Manuel de Jesús
    La atención hacia las soluciones digitales de entrenamiento ha ido en aumento entre los usuarios de tecnologías deportivas y de bienestar por igual, tanto así que las soluciones comerciales de coaching digital se han convertido en novedad y tendencia con el avanzar de los días y las mismas tecnologías, pero la cantidad de estudios sobre la influencia de estos sistemas de entrenamiento y el impacto que provee en la actividad física regular o en entrenamiento de base, además de las experiencias de uso aún es bastante limitada. Otro de los temas que carecen de poca investigación es la relación que existe entre el uso de estas herramientas tecnológicas y las diferentes poblaciones del ámbito general, tales como: adolescentes, adultos mayores, deportistas y personas con enfermedades o limitaciones de tipo físico o intelectual. Dado que el uso de internet y de herramientas tecnológicas se ha convertido en norma indispensable en estos días vale la pena prestar atención a estas nuevas formas de entrenamiento y de bienestar y como el desarrollo tecnológico promueve una motivación hacia un estilo de vida mas saludable.
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    Perfil de salud, según el IMC en estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial y Educación Física, que ingresaron a la Universidad de Córdoba, durante el periodo 2021-1
    (2022-03-28) Rendón Castrillón, Luis Ángel; Ruiz Martínez, Luis Alberto; Cortina Núñez, Manuel de Jesús
    The present study was carried out with the purpose of knowing the health profile, from the body mass index (BMI), in university populations. General objective: to compare the health profile, according to the BMI in students of Industrial Engineering 8 and Physical Education, who entered the University of Córdoba, during the period 2021- 1. Methodology: an analytical cross-sectional cohort study was carried out. Results: It was obtained as a result that the BMI comparison is very similar between students who entered the Physical Education and Industrial Engineering career; starting from the normal values of body mass index (BMI) presented; given that the majority of the population or study group finds an average within the range that reflects an apparently healthy health profile. Conclusion and recommendation: this research should be complemented in subsequent studies regarding body composition, healthy lifestyle habits, physical activity and nutrition, among others. In this way, have a broader view of the health profile of the population involved; in this way, take control measures from the university welfare offices; thus seeking the comprehensive development of undergraduate students at the University of Córdoba.
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    Influencia de la actividad física en la capacidad funcional en el adulto mayor
    (2022-03-26) Herrera Sáez, Fredy José; Esquivia Bello, Glenia Elena; Cortina Núñez, Manuel de Jesús
    With the impact of scientific, technological and public health advances, life expectancy worldwide has increased in recent years, with the United States leading the studies on this issue. On the other hand, on the favorable incidence of physical activity for quality in the elderly, studies have been carried out at the Latin American, national and more local level such as MonteríaCórdoba ratifying the relationship between physical activity and functional capacity. This monograph seeks to explain or describe the relationship between physical activity and functional capacity in the elderly through a bibliographic review that starts from a qualitative approach with an explanatory and correlational type of research, with theoretical research methods such as analysis from a population and sample of 41 documents taking into account the variables of aging, functional capacity and physical activity. As a result, an analysis was carried out where the documents consulted were correlated in the different categories where a relationship was found between physical activity and functional capacity in the elderly, this relationship goes beyond physical benefits, since it encompasses significant improvements at the cognitive and emotional level demonstrating that these are also part of the functional capacity of the elderly.
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    Actividad física post-covid-19 en adultos
    (WILLIAM FANDIÑO, 2022-03-28) Páez Gómez, Karen Margarita; Palma Romero, Rafael Santo; Cortina Nuñes, Manuel de Jesús
    El COVID- 19 ha sido una alerta a nivel mundial, con el han sucedido una serie de eventos que han generado cambios en los comportamientos del ser humano pero a su vez dejando perdidas y muertes. Los pacientes que han salido de UCI han podido superar el virus pero han obtenido a raíz de esta situación, secuelas que han afectado la manera de vivir, las secuelas más evidentes se dan el sistema cardiovascular, pulmonar y cognitivo. Según los resultados de los estudios recientes. El profesional en Educación física Recreación y Deportes o áreas a fines a la actividad física están en la capacidad de poder acompañar a las personas que han padecido de esta horrible situación, de tal manera que puedan diseñar programas donde la prioridad sea que el paciente se adapte nuevamente a su vida normal y que progresivamente pueda ir mejorando las falencias obtenida por el virus. Aún quedan muchos estudios por realizar para determinar que otras secuelas deja el virus en el paciente.
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    Motivación del adulto mayor para la realización de actividades físicas
    (2021-01-26) Barón Cogollo, Eder; Petro, José Alberto
    Motivation towards physical activities in older adults has become a highly relevant issue for the development of exercises in the lives of these people, hence, there have been many studies that have been carried out to understand this problem. The general objective of this article was focused on knowing the different Motivation of the elderly for physical activities, based on different authors. For this, we worked under a qualitative research approach and with a type of documentary technique, where 30 scientific articles were taken for study. Among the findings, it was evidenced that within the motivations for the development of physical activity in this population ii is self-care where the issue of health is paramount and psychosocial motivations, which help improve their self-esteem and independence in their lives. Daily tasks. As a way of conclusion, it is understood that motivation must always be present in physical practice in older adults, as it is ideal for consistency and results in the lives of these people, since they see physical activity as a challenge for the better already be it your health or your self-esteem.